DIY Dog House - Jamaica Edition
Posted by bozenka shepherd on
Greetings! We had the opportunity to take a week off from our crazy lives and go to Jamaica! It definitely was a trip we needed, as our new shop renovation has started to take over our lives. However with all the sun and relaxation, the need to keep busy crept in! We stayed at Bo's parent's house in the Blue Mountains. They had recently just gotten some dog for the property, but they didn't have a shelter. So it was decided that we would build them a dog house!
Being that this was a last minute idea. We had to make the dog house entirely from what was already on the property. Luckily the house is in a rain forest so there was an abundance of bamboo readily available. Her dad always has a new project going on around the property. So a quick search through the shed yielded all the tools and hardware we needed.
First we had to design how we wanted the house to look. So Bo got to put her fancy design degree to work and sketched up a quick design. We wanted to have it blend in with the landscape, but to also have some modern lines. We had their caretaker, Mr. Will cut us down some bamboo. And then proceed to frighten us by his very dangerous method of ripping the bamboo in half. Don't try that at home, please. But it was a fun and even relaxing project. Bo's parents both helped, and we had a few Red Stripe's in the process. All in all we finished the project in about 3 hours. And the dogs loved it. It has gaps in the bamboo to allow for a breeze to flow through. It also has a fully covered roof that is pitched away from the dog house. It was a fun project that helped remind us of why we love doing what we do. You don't need fancy tools to make something nice. You just need some creativity and a little bit of time.
-Woodward Throwbacks
- Tags: DIY
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