Authentic. Iconic. 100% unique. Woodward Throwbacks is excited to announce the third
installment of the Party Store Collection
Authentic. Iconic. 100% unique. Woodward Throwbacks is excited to announce the third
installment of the Party Store Collection
These one-of-a-kind statement pieces are made from signs salvaged from Detroit’s party stores,
the classic Michigan institution where you can find everything from a can of Vernors ginger ale
to a bottle of champagne.In Party Store Collection #3, we’re getting funky. You’ll find everything from lovingly hand- painted signs to abstract signs that become recognizable when you squint.
We’re proud to incorporate plywood salvaged from Mystery on Mack, the warehouse we’re
turning into our future home. A material that would have been thrown away at any other build
site, you can now bring the wavy, textured grain of this plywood into your home for instant
atmosphere. We also got more resourceful than ever, utilizing offcuts from these priceless signs to create endtables, side tables, and plant stands that couldn’t have come from anywhere else besides Detroit.
History becomes functional works of art and unmatched style in Party Store Collection #3.
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